This news makes us relieved, the government finally took action from a case similar to the circulation of a video artist, namely video and ariel luna maya, the newest is a video cut ariel and ariel dance and video issues and the aura of love. Where the video is said to be similar to the ariel, luna maya and also cut dance.
Obviously we are very pleased when I heard the government's quick response to this incident. Because the videos are so nasty that circulate damaging. From the stories my friend, he said that the cafe is very full these days, they intend to view the video lanngsung which he said is similar to ariel, luna maya and also cut this dance. In the cafe-cafe not only adults, but also there are children? "They both laughed again, looking at the motinor", ah if the kids find a video download link and ariel luna maya (similar) spread by a person who is irresponsible?. This will certainly damage the morale of the child, the child too soon to know who should not they know at their age.
Video ariel and luna maya (like) this, it is said he had sold with DVD or VCD format with the price of 60 thousand dollars. Let's see discussed on these videos